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More than just a Race Report

20 Oct 2014

Every year, the Team Podium Race team decides on a volunteer project to participate in. This year it was 24 Hours of Booty. With a name like 24 Hours of Booty, it lends itself to the question “What is it about?” and my often asked “Did it make it through the spam filter?”

24 Hours of Booty is a 24 hour ride on a single loop. It can be done by a single person, or a team. And a person can ride as little or as much as they wish. However, to ride, each rider must raise $200. The beneficiaries of the fundraising vary by event location, and in Atlanta it was the Aflac Cancer Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta as well as the Livestrong Foundation. However, as with each event, the local beneficiary receives most of the money raised. In brief, 24 Hours of Booty is working to knock out cancer.

Team Podium was led by our own Dan Meyer. He had done the event in previous years, and had been encouraging people to join in as he always had a very good time.  

The 2.4 mile loop was in Sandy Springs, and Bootyville, the center of everything was at Mount Vernon Presbyterian School. The loop took riders through the Mount Vernon Woods neighborhood where residents came out and had fun celebrating the event, and the riders. 

We kept at least one team member out on the loop for the entire 24 hours. Team members could sign up for specific times, but many were eager to help and showed up and rode multiple hours. The hardest (and coldest) hours were those after sunset and before sunrise. It got cold!

Team members who rode all had a terrific time. The following are some of the team member’s comments.

Several team members volunteered instead of riding, helping assist in all riders’ experience at the event.

Andrea Hillman: My jobs included setting up the different tents, decorating booths, prepping the food (making coffee!) and setting up the store. It was neat seeing so many volunteers and to experience the “other side” of an event like that…and to experience the “other side” of an event.

Stef Walthour: It was cold in Saturday. It wasn’t so bad Sunday. On a serious note I enjoyed the experience of watching Team Podium and other teams ride. I can see how some friendship were made on the ride. I am so proud of team podium having someone out in the course the entire 24 hours. Can’t wait til next year.

Matt Cole: I couldn’t ride so I walked Lucas (my 4 month old son) around the 2.6 mile loop and smiled into the camera for Henry Walthour 

Angela Nelms: As the first cold ride of the season I was reminded that I hate cold weather. Around 12:30 am, I wanted to stop but our shift didn’t end until 1 am. I decided that if people with cancer can fight the fight then this was the least I could do. Quitting is not an option!  107 miles took me 9:34:07 of ride time. Some of those miles were easy and fun. Some were freezing, windy and seemed insane. Some of those miles “may” have been assisted by the neighborhood residents sharing donuts, muffins, bananas, and mimosas. All of those miles were worth it!

Nathan Nowak: I liked the Candy Corn Pumpkins.

Tony Orru: I loved the experience and would like to repeat it, it is for a great cause.

Abby Mowinski: I showed up in a grumpy mood after what I perceived to be a “hard day” at work…and then biked behind a woman with “cancer survivor” on her back bib and a list of other people’s names she was riding in honor for. Talk about perspective and inspiration. So proud to be involved!

Katie O’Dunne: I came in the midst of a busy work day. While I could only stay an hour, it completely changed the mood of my day. I was so touched by the large group out biking to fight childhood cancer. With my mom’s battles with cancer the past two years this hit especially close to home. I felt proud to ride alongside Podium in such a wonderful event.

Keith Woodward: I had planned to come out and ride one hour. But being touched by the cause I started early and stayed later than I planned. It was worth every second I rode.

Michael D’Antignac: It was dark and cool. Like my ride…a hunter green Pashley Princess with a large basket to hold my valuables. It also had a cheerful bell, which I sounded as a wakeup call for those still sleeping at 6 am.

Dan Meyer: All I know is after riding from 1-6 am and nearly falling over from a leg cramp I was really happy to see Michael. I thought I was hallucinating from lack of sleep but apparently he really was riding his wife’s cruiser bike.

And a last word from Dan:  Nathan and I were the constants, as we ride the first and last laps and a lot in between. Angela also rode a ton [107 miles to be exact!]. Henry and Keith rode at some important times to fill possible gaps and everyone who participated played a big part in helping us reach our 24 hours of Podium goal. Thanks to everyone who rode, volunteered, and supported! You helped make this a terrific event for Team Podium. We will be back next year. 

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