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Meet Team Podium Mom, Amy Stanton

10 May 2017
by Amy Stanton

In honor of Mother's Day, we wanted to take a few minutes to highlight just one of our rock star Team Podium moms. If you've been to some of the local races, chances are you've seen Amy Stanton at the top of the Podium. In addition to being a member of Team Podium, Amy is a busy mom of 3 young boys with a supportive husband whose job often takes him on the road. We think you'll enjoy getting to know her as much as we have!

Name: Amy Stanton

Age Group: 35-39
Favorite Race Distance: I mostly race sprints and occasionally half irons. Venturing into my first full Ironman in Louisville this fall.
Tell us about your family: Tyler and I have been married 10 years. We met in high school at our church. We have three boys. Baylor is 9 and big into baseball, swimming, and basketball. Collier is 8 and also loves baseball, swimming, and skateboarding. Jude is 5 and loves baseball, soccer, and swimming. We have a puppy named Hobbes and absolutely love him.
How did you get involved with triathlon?
I raced my first triathlon in 2010. I had a friend that was training for an Ironman and I was curious. I have always loved to run and I grew up on a swim team, so I knew I could do two of the three disciplines. I bought a road bike off Craigslist and rode it around the neighborhood to train. After the first sprint, I knew I really liked the sport and would definitely do more. I put it on pause for the next couple of years because of our kids and started racing again in 2013.
How does your family support you as you train and race?
My husband is 100% for me and my dreams, triathlon and otherwise. He encourages me to race and to train. Tyler was the one saying 'YES' when I mentioned possibly doing a full Ironman. He takes care of the kids on long training days, rearranges his schedule to make sure I get the time I need, and never makes me feel guilty about it. Mom guilt can sneak in from time to time. Our kids are excited to hear about races and help me practice transitions. They like to watch and cheer too. Baylor raced in a kids tri a couple of years ago and loved it.
How does being involved in triathlon help you to be a better mom?
Triathlon recharges me, especially as a mom. It is very therapeutic to get away, have some time alone, work hard, and come home filled up. It challenges me and pushes me to meet measurable goals. When the boys were little, I loved having a measurable goal in the midst of taking care of little people. There were days when a good hard run for a certain amount of miles was so refreshing in between the diapers and toys and naps and snacks. I loved all those things and absolutely love being a mom, but I love finding myself in the training and working hard too.
Do you have any advice for other women trying to balance a busy life and compete?
We are in the thick of baseball, swimming, school, end of the year parties, so some training days aren't perfect or even possible. Sometimes I am up early in the pool or up late on the treadmill. Some days I skip training all together and soak up the extra time with my family. I try to give my best when I train and make the minutes count.
Anything else you'd like to share with the moms out there?
Moms, it's ok to take time for you. Figure out what recharges you and do that. It is so worth it to come back to your family filled up and ready to love well. It's also a great example to set for your kids. Working hard, setting a goal, going after it, and then celebrating your accomplishments together.
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