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Should I purchase a Road Bike?

24 Jul 2017

Whether you’re new to the sport or a seasoned triathlete, one of the common questions that we get at the store is, ‘should I purchase a road bike or triathlon bike?’.

The answer is always the same, it depends on your goals and your budget.

To know which bike to choose, you should first answer this question  - who are you as a cyclist?

  • Are you brand new tothe sport with no cycling background?
  • Are you on a limited budget and looking for versatility?

If you answer the first two questions with a ‘yes’ then a road bike is probably the best choice for you.

Podium Bike Fitter, Chloe Murdock recommends a road bike for new athletes because "a road bike is a perfect introduction to cycling. Its versatility makes it ideal for commuting, group rides, home trainer sessions, and racing. Road bikes are light, fun, and fast and if you want to own only one bike, this would be it."


  • Are you focused solely on triathlon?

If your primary focus is triathlon, then a triathlon bike is the right choice for you. The triathlon bike is designed for aerodynamics and speed. A proper tri bike set up is going to allow you as a rider to transfer the maximum amount of power onto the bike as well as run more efficiently out off of the bike. Because the triathlon bike position is much more aggressive than the road bike position, a good bike fit and time spent training in the aero position will be important.

  • Are you a triathlete who wants to spend more time on the road to improve your cycling skills?

A road bike is going to offer you a more relaxed position while distributing your weight more evenly between the saddle and handlebars. This will also allow your hips to be more open as your ride which promotes smooth and efficient pedaling. The upright position of your body and the placement of your hands near the shifters and brakes allows for increased visibility and safety in group rides or on busy roads.

Customer John LaBelle has this to say about the benefits of his recent road bike purchase,

A road bike fine tuned my bike handling skills as well as my overall climbing power. I try to integrate road rides into my training whenever possible. Plus, they are fun to ride!

Murdock agrees with LaBelle's experience adding; 

Getting a road bike is a great way to diversify your cycling skills. Road bikes are much more maneuverable and agile than tri bikes, and a great way to improve handling, descending, and group riding skills. Plus you'll finally be able to join that group ride that goes flying by your house every Thursday.


If you are considering a road bike and still aren't sure if it's for you, we suggest you start by booking a bike fit. Our bike fitter can help you determine the best bike choice for your budget and goals. If you purchase a bike from us, the cost of your bike fit will go towards the cost of the bike! Book this week to take advantage of our summer bike sale.


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