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Race Report: Georgia Peach Womens Tri Recap

19 Aug 2015

The Georgia Peach Women’s Triathlon in Acworth, GA was held on August 2, 2015. It was a team event, and although the men from Team Podium could not race, they turned out in force to support their teammates and all of the women racing.

Team Podium, and any volunteers they could cajole in to joining them in the wee hours of the morning, staffed the water stations at mile 1 & 2, as well as at various intersections along the run route, directing runners in the right direction. No race participants went thirsty on the run (unless by choice) and no one went the wrong way. 

Along the way smiles were passed and encouraging words and phrases were shouted out to the

Team Podium had three participants and they all took home some hardware: Abby Mowinski took second overall, Molly Adams took first in the masters division, and Leak Kadetz took first in her age

Overall it was a strong showing by racers and our team volunteers.

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