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Insider Tips to Boston Qualify This Winter

27 Sep 2017
by Kathryn Taylor

The Boston Marathon. It’s the holy grail for any endurance runner and a goal that many runners will chase season after season. Qualifying for Boston requires focus and a plan. We reached out to our teams and clubs to ask for their best tips on how to qualify for this bucket list race.

Choose the right course

As Team Podium member, Casey Hannan points out, Boston is such a popular race that you probably want to be at least 5 minutes or more under the qualification time to have a better chance of getting a spot. Ideally, you want to find a flat or downhill course with the right weather conditions for a fast run (cool temperatures - ideally in the mid 40’s - mid-50s). A great tool to pick a course is It will give you all kinds of information about the course, including what percent of people Boston qualified on that course. Make sure your course is certified as a Boston qualifier before you sign up. If you’re not sure, email the race director.

Create a Training Plan

Make sure that you have plenty of time to build a solid base so that your body is ready for the added intensity of trying to meet a BQ time. Each workout you do should have a specific goal and you need to make sure you execute that goal. If you aren’t working with a coach, it’s crucial for you to make a plan and stick with it.

Some great sets to add to your workout:


  • Periodic hill runs or hilly trail runs. Hills are nature’s way of helping you build strength in your run!
  • Tempo runs at a pace that is 15-20 seconds faster than your race pace. Start with 2 x 15-minute sets and build to 2 x 30-40 minute sets

Stay Healthy

It’s important to take time for stretching, strength training, focused nutrition and sleep when focusing on a big goal like Boston. Not only will this help you recover more quickly, these practices will also help you stay injury free.

Race Day

Find out if your race has pacing groups and start with your group. Make sure you’re tracking your own pace throughout the race. Your pacer can have a bad day or as was the case for Bethany Rutledge, he could get a little lost and take you the wrong way. Don’t blindly follow a group. Make sure you know the course and are meeting your goals at each mile mark


What about you? Are you chasing Boston this year? Or have you raced the course a few times? Share your tips with us!

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