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First Team Tri Events

2 May 2015

Team Podium Race Team actually had two first tri events for the 2015 season as they both happened on the same day: John Tanner Sprint and Xterra Fort Yargo.

April 25 started off a rainy day. John Tanner was delayed by 1 hour, and Fort Yargo was a muddy, fun, mess. And Team Podium was well represented at both events.

John Tanner


Most of the team before John Tanner.


Out OTP contingent at John Tanner


Looking sharp post race!


Showing off the hardware!


And Fort Yargo


Just a little muddy 


Dirty and proud post-race. Still looking sharp!


Overall, a successful day for Team Podium snagging a number of age group and overall podium spots. 

Abby Mowinski - 2nd Masters - John Tanner Tri

AJ Petrillo - 2nd Overall - Xterra Fort Yargo

Amy Stanton - 1st Age Group - John Tanner Tri

Casey Hannan - 3rd Age Group - John Tanner Tri

Henry Walthour - 3rd Overall - John Tanner Duathlon

Katie O’Dunne - 1st Age Group - John Tanner Tri

Leah Kadetz - 2nd Age Group - John Tanner Tri

Molly Adams - 1st Age Group - John Tanner Tri

Stef Walthour - 2nd Overall - John Tanner Aqua Bike

Congrats to all who raced! 

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